Row of light bulbs. 在几个不亮的白炽灯泡中间有一个亮的CFL灯泡.

March 12, 2016



Is it possible to make energy upgrades to your facility without being hampered by the inability to raise rates or undertake expensive capital improvements? Now it is. Energy Performance Contracting enables utilities seeking to reduce energy costs to use their cost savings to finance their installations and upgrades. As one of the greatest users of energy, water and wastewater plants now have a new, 具有成本效益的选择,以降低电力消耗和减少碳足迹.

Cleaning Dirty Water Takes Serious Power

It’s no secret. Water and wastewater treatment plants can potentially use the largest amount of power within a city. As a result, utilities throughout the country are seeking ways to lower their power consumption that also benefit the environment. Unfortunately, in the boundaries of their financial reality, 公用事业公司没有能力承担这些昂贵的资本改善项目, so they are forced to take alternative measures.

Finding Energy Cost Saving Opportunities

To avoid high capital costs, utilities will perform energy management audits and evaluations first to identify energy saving opportunities within their treatment plants. 通过在投资前评估设施的能源使用情况, the utility owner can decide which areas are worth upgrading and which will make little to no difference in their costs.

Many water and wastewater facilities can realize zero or low cost energy saving opportunities through managing their energy demand in coordination with the energy billing rates. This is especially true for facilities whose electric energy rate structures include peak demand ratcheting and time of use billing.

Pay for Upgrades with Savings

如果你能在接下来的20年里稳定公用事业费率会怎么样, improve aged infrastructure and benefit the environment through a contract where your savings would cover the costs? 这可能就是能源绩效合同所提供的.

Energy Performance Contracting is an innovative financing technique that uses cost savings from reduced energy consumption to repay the cost of installing energy conservation measures. This financing technique allows facility owners to achieve energy savings without upfront capital expenses. The costs of the energy improvements are borne by the performance energy contractor and paid back out of the energy savings.


Along with receiving a financial guarantee of annual savings for the life of the energy performance contract, utilities also have the opportunity to use a single source design-build contractor to do necessary energy audits. Utilities are able to minimize confusion, 使用一个设计-建造实体最大化协作和促进创新. With this, many utility clients have saved millions and avoided any additional monthly outlay.

We understand, as utilities, you have much to do with little, but despite economic conditions, 现在您有了另一种选择来改善您的设施. 如果您想在您的设施内讨论具体的水能源问题, contact Bryan Bedell at

澳门足彩app每年在架构方面的投入为20亿美元, Engineering, Construction (AEC) and Consulting solutions to assure certainty of outcome for complex capital projects worldwide. 澳门足彩app is a global, fully integrated, 单一来源的设计建造和EPC公司拥有超过2,200 highly specialized, in-house design, construction and administrative professionals across industrial and commercial markets. With 20+ office locations around the globe, 澳门足彩app是全球和新兴客户值得信赖的合作伙伴.

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